Mirtha Colón Permanent Seminar - Imaging a Better Future: The Vision of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Communities

Mirtha Colón Permanent Seminar - Imaging a Better Future: The Vision of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Communities

Imaging a Better Future: The Vision of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Communities

Don't miss this conversation as part of the Mirtha Colón Permanent Seminar, a space for reflection and collective learning to address the complexities of ethnic-racial discrimination in Latin America and the Caribbean. Join Mirtha Colón from ONECA and Luis López-Resendiz from CIELO for a conversation titled Reflections on a Better Future from the Perspective of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples on Friday, June 28th. Register here.

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For more information about sponsorship opportunities, contact Dulce Dominguez at ddominguez@alianzaamericas.org

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