Systemic Inequities

Confronting structural inequities and building social justice.

Alianza Americas is committed to confronting the structural inequities that affect the communities where our members work. These inequities present significant barriers to the democratic process and social equality and threaten the health and well-being of the folks we work with daily. We also recognize that this struggle presents us with great opportunities to strengthen our members’ critical analysis, leadership, and advocacy capacity. As an organization comprising a network of grassroots organizations led by and serving immigrants of Latin American origin, we recognize that the history of efforts to maintain white supremacy has led to systemic inequities related to gender, race, ethnicity, language, economic conditions, and social class. These intersectional factors are fundamental in defining our work in addressing structural inequities and building democracy and well-being. We structure our work around three fundamental goals, which we see as pivotal to our work.


  • Strengthen our gender analysis in regards to public policies that address or should address systemic inequities in the Americas, with specific focus on work, health, and education, while considering their impact on the root causes of migration.
  • Build, alongside our membership, the capacity for analysis and advocacy regarding economic inequities as a root cause of migration and their impact on migrant families and their communities.
  • Develop analyses and construct narratives around our racial and ethnic diversity in order to confront white supremacy and foreground the differential impacts of migration on Afro-descendant and Indigenous communities.

Learn more about our digital equity project seeking to grow digital literacy and access to broadband internet

Our actions

Read about our latest actions in climate justice.

Leadership Institute
For Alianza Americas, Leadership Development is critical to our mission and vision of creating a more equitable and sustainable world for Latin American and Caribbean immigrants. Our leadership programs have taken many forms over the years, evolving in response to the changing political landscape, new generations of immigrant leaders, and the needs of our communities. In its original form, the leadership program was a series of workshops that were brought directly to our member organizations in their respective states and communities, consisting of skill building in the areas of critical thinking, media training, advocacy, and develop an understanding of a transnational perspective.
During the last decades, especially during the last five years, migrants are associated with detention, criminalization and family separation. Leaders, forced to migrate to the United States, and allies share what freedom means to them, and question the discourses associated with migrant communities.
Nos Conectamos
Empowering our communities with access to the Internet

Our latest posts

Read more about this topic.

Press Release
Immigrants Are a Blessing to Our Nation and Deserve Respect and Dignity
September 11, 2024
Press Release
Migrant organizations demand a new designation of TPS and greater transparency following the recent political crisis in Honduras
September 5, 2024
Passing the Torch: Welcome Dulce Guzman- Our New Executive Director
September 3, 2024
Press Release
Alianza Americas Appoints Dulce Guzmán as New Executive Director
September 3, 2024