Systemic Inequities

Racism and ethnicity

Get to know what we're doing about this issue.


What we're doing

This are our projects and campaigns aligned with this theme.

During the last decades, especially during the last five years, migrants are associated with detention, criminalization and family separation. Leaders, forced to migrate to the United States, and allies share what freedom means to them, and question the discourses associated with migrant communities.
Caring is Healing
Celebrating solidarity and networks of care among immigrant communities.

How we help you

Take a look at some useful resources we've created and collected.

Alianza americas DeSantis complaint.PDF
Duante Wright statement.pdf
Jacob Blake statement.PDF

What we're saying

Read about our latest posts about the topic.

Press Release
VIRTUAL PRESS CONFERENCE: Federal Lawsuit Aims to Hold DeSantis Accountable for Fraudulent Transporting of Migrants
September 20, 2022
Press Release
Immigrants Are a Blessing to Our Nation and Deserve Respect and Dignity
September 11, 2024
Latinx and Migrant Human Rights Alliance Condemn Violence Against Black Communities Following the Police Killing of Daunte Wright
April 12, 2021
Press Release
National/International Latinx and Migrant Human Rights Alliance Responds to State Torture and Violence Against Black Communities Following the Police Shooting of Jacob Blake