Alianza Americas is deeply committed to promoting and safeguarding the human rights of migrants, including the right to migrate. Through our migrant justice work, we advance public education efforts to shed light on the challenges, triumphs, and needs of migrants and their families in the United States and in their countries of origin. We work towards ensuring that migrants and their families can establish deep roots in a safe and dignified manner in the places that they call home by advancing public education, advocacy, and narrative campaigns that are migrant centered.
Since our founding, we have been renowned for our policy advocacy initiatives that are uniquely characterized by our transitional perspective. U.S. immigration policies have global impacts, and require an approach that incorporates a transnational vision. In addition to raising awareness on the various factors that force people to migrate, we develop educational and advocacy campaigns that highlight the need to understand and develop policies from our communities of origin, where migration begins, and not only in the U.S.
Read about our latest actions in climate justice.