Immigrant Justice

Deportation, expulsion, removal

Get to know what we're doing about this issue.


What we're doing

This are our projects and campaigns aligned with this theme.

Defying Borders
Our Stories Resisting against Deportation and Forced return
Deportation & Forced Return
Alianza Americas works to promote humane immigration policies that ensure and protect human rights in the context of mobility. Deportation and forced return are extreme migratory sanctions that entail the end of an immigration project, family separation and that cause a profound psychological impact. Alianza’s advocacy work has two goals: 1) To end deportations and create humane and dignified policies that consider the impact of these measures on the person and their families; 2) To promote and strengthen the response of the government and civil society to welcome and support the reintegration process of people who are deported and those forced to return.

How we help you

Take a look at some useful resources we've created and collected.

National day of action.pdf
National Day Of Action "We Are Home"
It’s time to repeal IIRIRA!

What we're saying

Read about our latest posts about the topic.

Security forces in the U.S., including ICE, need a radical transformation
November 1, 2020
Press Release
Coalition of Progressive, Labor and Immigrant Rights Organizations Launch “We Are Home,” Celebrate National Day of Action Calling for Swift, Bold Action to Protect Immigrants
President Biden’s executive order on the border: A repetition of the same mistake over nearly 40 years
July 29, 2024
Press Release
Biden-Harris Administration announces slew of new immigration actions
September 21, 2023