Systemic Inequities


Get to know what we're doing about this issue.


What we're doing

This are our projects and campaigns aligned with this theme.

Building a better life, one step at a time
Children and families in Honduras need your support.
Central America Relief Fund
Organizations in Central America have been working hard to recover from the heavy impact of hurricanes Eta and Iota. Make a donation today and join the hundreds of people acting in solidarity with our communities.

How we help you

Take a look at some useful resources we've created and collected.

We're currently working to bring you related content

What we're saying

Read about our latest posts about the topic.

Press Release
Food Scarcity Torments “Forgotten” Families in the Aftermath of Hurricane Idalia
October 17, 2023
Press Release
Community Leaders in Chicago to Discuss Actions Needed to Address Current Immigration Wave
January 30, 2024
Press Release
Latino and Immigrant Advocacy Groups Discuss the Tensions Between Historically Marginalized Communities
February 21, 2024