Root Causes Series: What are the root causes of migration from Central America?


Root Causes Series: What are the root causes of migration from Central America?


Root Causes Series: What are the root causes of migration from Central America?


Root Causes


Between March 18 and April 22, 2021, Alianza Americas and hosted a series of panel discussions on the reasons behind the exodus of people seeking safety in the region.

Alianza Americas and its members CARECEN of Washington, CARECEN San Francisco, Central American Black Organization (ONECA), Hondureños contra el SIDA, Casa Yurumein, Centro Presente, and its partners, Latin American Working Group, Center for Gender and Refugee Studies, OXFAM, and Latino Rebels joined this series of live conversations to discuss the root causes of forced migration in Central America.

The six-part series highlights leaders and experts in the region who are working on issues of social development, economic inequality, democratic governance, climate change, fiscal reforms, and gender-based violence and discrimination.

Root Causes

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