
Letter: Supplemental Aid Package must invest in equity, well-being, justice and peace


Letter: Supplemental Aid Package must invest in equity, well-being, justice and peace

January 10, 2023 — The current negotiations taking place in the U.S. Congress over the passage of a federal foreign military funding package include potentially devastating policy changes to the U.S. asylum system that would harm migrant communities in the United States. Alianza Americas and its network of more than 50 migrant led organizations across the U.S. have sent a letter to the White House, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, to urge them to prioritize policies that uphold the rights of migrants and invest in the well-being of migrant communities. The requests outlined in the letter are key to improving the immigration system and to assisting the millions of people harmed by the severe deficiencies in the very system. Congress and the White House can and must deliver transformative changes to move the United States into the right direction and lead a more humane approach to forced migration.



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