
How Mexico’s political system works

November, 2021 —Alianza Americas developed this series of infographics to shed light on how the Mexican political system works. With these tools, we aim to increase understanding of the political reality in Mexico, including the separation of powers and its political system.

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The government of #Mexico is made up of three branches, responsible for passing laws, wielding executive power, and administering justice. Learn more about the separation of powers:


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#Mexico’s Congress is divided into two chambers: deputies and senators. Their main task is to create, reform or repeal laws. Learn more here:

How Mexico's Political System Works


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#Mexico’s executive branch is headed by the president, who is supported by secretaries of government and other public officials. Learn more about how the executive branch works here:

How Mexico's Political System Works


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#Mexico’s judicial branch is responsible for resolving legal conflicts that arise between individuals and state institutions, as well as protecting the human rights established in Mexico’sConstitution. Learn more:

How Mexico's Political System Works


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The Autonomous Constitutional Bodies of #Mexico are public institutions that contribute to the proper functioning of the state, including by protecting transparency. Learn more here:


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#Chronology: #Mexico is experiencing a resurgence of populism. Learn more about recent noteworthy events in Mexico’s history:


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