

Temporary Protected Status

There are immigration policy tools that allow the government to grant temporary immigration relief for individuals nationals of a country undergoing challenging situations. The Secretary of Homeland Security has the authority to designate a country for TPS where the country is unable to handle the returning citizens safely, under Section 244 of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

TPS may be designated for countries with ongoing armed conflicts, facing environmental disaster (earthquake, flood, or drought) or epidemic, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions. Individuals present in the US may apply for TPS, which make them eligible for employment authorization, an opportunity to travel outside the U.S., and protection from detention and deportation.

Alianza Americas works on TPS advocating for a path towards permanent residence for those individuals that have remained under such status for years because their countries of origin have not recovered sufficiently and their lives would be endangered, if they were to return. Alianza Americas also advocates for new designations of TPS when countries in Latin America and the Caribbean face extraordinary conditions that merit the adoption of this measure.

TPS for nationals of Central American countries impacted by hurricanes and storms

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Sanchez v Mayorkas - English

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