
Central America Relief Fund

Organizations in Central America have been working hard to recover from the heavy impact of hurricanes Eta and Iota. Make a donation today and join the hundreds of people acting in solidarity with our communities.


Central America Relief Fund

Organizations in Central America have been working hard to recover from the heavy impact of hurricanes Eta and Iota. Make a donation today and join the hundreds of people acting in solidarity with our communities.

The climate crisis is intensifying. Two category 4 hurricanes, Eta and Iota, made landfall in Central America on November 2nd and 17th, 2020, affecting over 7.2 million people, and leaving an estimated total economic loss of $7 billion. Black and indigenous communities in Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala have been among the hardest hit. The heavy rainfall, landslides, and high winds left many communities without access to roads, destroyed homes, and limited capabilities to communicate with several signal towers torn down. These natural disasters worsened the existing situations in Central American countries, due to the economic recession, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the democratic instability and authoritarianism that has affected Central America for years.

Immediately following the landfall of hurricanes Eta and Iota, Alianza Americas teamed up with Hispanic Federation and Presente.Org to create the Central America Relief Fund. Hispanic Federation kicked off fundraising efforts by pledging a $100,000 matching donation. Alianza Americas also provided a $25,000 contribution to the cause. Presente.Org leveraged their over 500,000+ network of members to raise awareness on the devastating results of hurricanes and garner donations. Alianza’s long-time partnerships in the region helped identify 7 community-based organizations in Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala, to receive donations for direct relief to families and individuals impacted by the storms. This initiative is rooted in the belief of acting in solidarity not charity. We are grateful for the support and action of communities across the Americas who have made this initiative possible. Watch the testimonies about the different ways your contributions were put to work and made a difference.

Our partners have helped thousands of families— rushing food, blankets, and temporary shelter to the most affected areas. Your contributions have rushed desperately needed resources into the right hands. Because we are in this for the long haul, we have stayed and continued to make sure that communities can heal and rebuild.

We continue to send urgently needed funds to groups doing work directly on the ground. Your donations are going to:

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