
Here you'll find the tools we've developed to help you navigate our issue areas.

Beta caceres judgement.pdf
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Five myths why many TPS beneficiaries from El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua have failed to re-register
We have developed a fact sheet in Spanish to address the myths that TPS beneficiaries believe they do not need to re-register. Share the document with people in your community and let's spread the word.
Tips for people who have re-registered for TPS and applied for a new employment authorization card, but USCIS has not yet responded
Below is a fact sheet on what you should know and do about delays in the delivery of your employment authorization card. Share it with people in your community and help us spread the word.
TPS letter press release
suplemental ais package must invest in equity well being justice and peace.pdf
the climate crisis in the americas.pdf
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Report: Protect TPS Holders where they live And work: Actions at the state level
While TPS doesnot provide a path to lawful permanent residency, the people who have been inthe United States for nearly two decades under TPS have settled and contributedto the communities that welcomed them.
What we need to know about Parole in Place and the application process
Legal Services
Alianza Americas member organizations from across the country provide various immigration legal services. Below you’ll find a list of organizations in California, Arkansas, Washington D.C., Illinois, New Jersey, and Texas that may be able to provide legal assistance.
Circles of Support
Economic Relief Packages: Congress Must Act Now!
What you should know about the automatic TPS extension – December 9, 2020
What you need to know about DACA? December 2020 updates
Call Congress and demand #COVIDRelief4All
Town Hall – How are migrant communities facing the pandemic, the climate crisis, and immigration policy?
[TOOLKIT] NEW TPS for Central American and Haitian Nationals Digital
How the political system works in El Salvador
How the political system works in Guatemala
Biden-Harris Administration and Congress: Time’s Up to Include and Protect Immigrants